Meta Tags Tab Settings
The Joomla Meta Tags Settings Tab Contains a Number of Options:
Keywords/Title Counter (1) - Set the number of characters or words for the keywords/title tag counter on the Meta Tags Manager. Experts recommend no more than 76 characters.
- Description Counter (2) – Set the number of characters or words that will be extracted from your article to generate the description meta tag, when using the Meta Tags Manager. Experts recommend no more than 200 characters.
- Get Description From (3) – Choose to generate your description meta tags automatically from your article content. Use the intro text (everything before the “Read More” break line) or the “full text” (anything after the “Read More” break line). If you choose “intro text” and there is no break line, iJoomla SEO will use the full text content to generate the descriptions.
- Omit These Keywords/Tags (4)– Plugin tags have no value for SEO, so you can choose to omit them from the description metatag generated from your article.